Here I Oracle again

Here I Oracle again



A place to find answers, A place to feel heard and seen, A place of mystery and Spirit, A place of unconditional love 

Welcome to Here I Oracle again,

I am so pleased and humbled that you have Arrived at my site🤗

My name is Anulity. I am a Oracle, Tarot reader, psychic, medium, and I am gifted with all clairs( different abilities such as hear,see,smell,feel and on occasion taste) and I use these to help others.

I also have a light team of spirit guides, ancestors,angels,animal spirit guides and great spirit that I work with very closely that convey messages and show me signs and synchronizities to help me with finding the answers to your questions in the most loving and profound ways. 

My guides and angels can connect with the energies of people, places and pets both here and passed on, and lovingly( and sometimes bluntly lol) convey the messages to me to deliver in loving, or fun ways that can help you feel more at ease with each message from your loved ones or people in your life or who have crossed over.

I hope you enjoy your experience with me and my guides as we work together to bring the answers or messages you are seeking. 

I humbly thank you for trusting me and my light team with your precious energy ❤️ 


If you found your way to my webpages then chances are you are meant to be here. God works in mysterious ways 😉 I have to say by law that this is for entertainment purposes only. I am not a licensed therapist,doctor,lawyer,or advisor of any sort. Please use your own discernment and intuition when receiving a reading, and understand energy can change from the present and you have free will.